Victim's Advocate
Currently, this service is unavailable.
Victim Advocate
The victim advocate is available to provide services to victims (and their families) of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and rape, drunk driving, homicide, and other violent crimes. She provides crisis intervention, emergency room and legal advocacy, emotional support, information, education, and referral. She can assist in completing petitions for Ex Parte Orders, Orders of Adult or Child Protection and applications for Crime Victims Compensation.
The goal of Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Victim Advocate is to refer or provide services to meet the material, emotional, and informational needs of victims of violent crime and their families, allowing for faster and more complete recovery from the effects of the crime.
It is the policy of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office to provide equal access to victim advocacy services to all victims of violent crime within the county without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or veteran status.
The advocate works closely with, not only Lawrence County officers, but also local community law enforcement, the courts, and prosecutors. She can often provide transportation to court, medical attention, and shelter.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday excluding holidays. Her office is located in the Sheriff's Office on the lower level of the Justice Center. She sees victims on a walk-in or appointment basis. When the circumstances demand it, the advocate is available 24-7.
During office hours she can be reached at XXXXX, Extension XXXX
Evenings and non-office hours she can be reached by contacting dispatch at XXXXXX.
Victims are reminded to call "911" if they are in immediate danger.
The services available through the victim advocate are funded by a collaborative effort of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office and the Missouri Department of Social Services.