Lawrence County Deputy Receives Medal of Valor
September 28, 2023
Lawrence County Deputy Shane Blankenship has been awarded the Medal of Valor from the Missouri Department of Public Safety for his actions in saving a motorist trapped in a burning tractor trailer unit after a fiery crash on Interstate 44 on September 10, 2022.
The Medal of Valor is the highest award that a Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter or EMS worker can receive. It is awarded to those men and women who go above and beyond their call of duty at great risk of serious injury or even death to themselves while trying to save another.
This is yet another example of the dedication to service that the men and women of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office have to not only the citizens of Lawrence County but to complete strangers who travel through our county every day.
We could not be more proud of Deputy Blankenship and his bravery not just in this incident but in so many more. If you recall, just a few short months ago, Deputy Blankenship was nearly killed when an out of control tractor trailer skidded out of control crushing his patrol vehicle and nearly severely or fatally injuring him while working another crash.
Cpl. Terry Bible of the Missouri State Highway Patrol was also awarded the Medal of Valor for the same incident. We are also proud of the partnerships we have with our emergency service agencies. Cpl. Bible and Deputy Blankenship are true heroes. Without their quick actions, this crash could have ended in tragedy for the driver.
Well done.
Picture below: Deputy Blankenship being presented the Medal of Valor by Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe. Deputy Blankenship and Cpl. Terry Bible with Lt. Governor Kehoe. The narrative on the incident involving Deputy Blankenship and Cpl. Bible.
Photos courtesy of the Office of the Governor, Governor Micheal L. Parson.