Job Opportunity Available
Jailer/Control Room Operator
The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office is currently accepting applications for civilian Jailer/Control Room Operator. The jail operates 24 hours a day, so shifts/days off may vary as needed. The applicant should have good computer and typing skills, be a team player, good work ethic, be able to sit for long periods of time and be able to multitask.
The pay and benefits include, but are not limited to:
- $13.56/hour with cost of living and step raises for longevity
- Major medical insurance, at no cost to the employee
- Buy up and supplemental insurance (i.e. vision, dental, life, accident, etc.) available
- Spouse and family medical and supplemental insurance
- 2 retirement plans
- Retirement savings plan
- Paid holidays, sick days, and compensatory time off
Additional qualifications include having a high school diploma or equivalent GED, a valid driver license, dependable transportation, no felonies or violent misdemeanors, and be of good character.
Applications are available from the Sheriff's Office at 240 North Main, Mt. Vernon in the lower level of the Judicial Center or contact Lt. Doug Bounous at (417) 466-2131 if you would like one emailed to you.
This position is for immediate hire and applications may be turned in at the Sheriff's Office. If you have applied within the past year, please submit a current application.
Lt. Doug Bounous
Lawrence County Sheriff's Office
240 N. Main. Suite 10
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
Phone: 417-466-2131 ext.2323
Fax: 417-471-1303