Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Releases Results of Child Restraint Checks
Campaign Reminds Motorists to Boost and Buckle Kids Under 8
The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office participated in the Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Week Law Enforcement Campaign Conducted September 17-23, 2017. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of three (3) traffic tickets including one (1) safety belt ticket and one (1) speeding ticket. Three (3) felony arrests were made as a result of the crackdown. 63 warnings were issued for various other hazardous moving violations.
Missouri law requires that all children under the age of eight to be in appropriate child safety seat or booster seat unless they are 80lbs or 4'9" tall.
"It's so important for parents and caregivers to understand the importance of child restraints," said Sheriff Brad DeLay. "It's not just about following the law - child restraints help prevent serious injury and may even save your child's life."
Funding for this effort was provided through a grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation's Traffic and Highway Safety Division in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Missouri Safety Center.
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