Deputies Recieve Early Christmas Present
Lawrence County Deputies are receiving an early Christmas present thanks in part to local citizens, organizations and a grant written by Sheriff Brad DeLay.
Sheriff DeLay applied for a grant to provide new ballistic vests for Deputies of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office several months back. Word was received that the grant was awarded totaling nearly $20,000.00, the largest award given to any agency in Missouri this grant cycle. Today, the vests arrived and are being assigned to deputies. 36 deputies will be receiving new vests.
The total cost for the new vests is nearly $40,000.00. The Sheriff's Office is responsible for matching that grant with $20,000. Thanks to donations from some Lawrence County residents as well as some organizations in Lawrence County, the Sheriff's Office is much closer to reaching that total cost. The Sheriff's Office will continue to look for other funding to meet the match cost.
Sheriff DeLay stated that it is unfortunate that these vests have become such a necessity but it was a purchase that was needed as many deputies did not have vests or were past the manufactures recommended date of service. But thanks to those involved, Lawrence County Deputies will now be safer as they do their job to serve the people of Lawrence County.