Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Releases Drunk Driving Crackdown Arrest Numbers
The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office made 1 drunk-driving arrest during the recent May 2-13 drunk driving crackdown.
Deputies also issued the following traffic citations: 1 speeding ticket; 1 seat belt ticket; and one hazardous moving violation ticket. 42 warnings for other various violations were also issued. One felony arrest was also made as a result of the crackdown.
Missouri law enforcement participated in the crack down on underage drinking to ensure Missouri youth celebrate safe and sober so they could Arrive Alive at prom and graduation.
It is illegal for someone under 21 to possess or consume alcohol in Missouri, yet youth make up a significant proportion of drunk drivers causing traffic crashes on Missouri roadways. Missouri has a Zero Tolerance Law. If you are under 21, your license will be suspended if you're caught driving with even a trace of alcohol in your system.
The sobering fact is that impaired driving contributes to nearly 30 percent of all Missouri traffic fatalities. Between 2010 and 2012, 77 people were killed and 363 seriously injured in Missouri roadway crashes involving an impaired driver under the age of 21.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. For more information, please visit