Stats Released from DWI Enforcement
The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office is participating in a nationwide DWI Enforcement effort entitled "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over."
Also assisting in the effort in Lawrence County was the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Southwest Missouri DWI Task Force.
During a two night enforcement 11 DWI arrests were made, 24 summons issued for Hazardous Moving Violations (Speeding, Stop Sign, C & I Driving, etc.), Three for suspended and revoked licenses, eight uninsured motorists, two felony arrests, 12 drug arrests, one stolen vehicle was recovered and one fugitive was apprehended. 64 warnings were issued for various other violations.
The stolen vehicle was a motorcycle that had been stolen out of Joplin. The suspect on the vehicle ran a DWI checkpoint that was being operated and after a short pursuit the subject was apprehended.
Also while on the detail officers responded to a call of a burglary in progress and were able to arrest four subjects and recover property from the burglary. Formal charges are pending in this case.
The enforcement was funded by grant money from the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Members of the SWMODWITF present for the checkpoint were: Oronogo PD, Carterville PD, Carthage PD, Webb City PD, Lamar PD, Joplin PD, Jasper County Sheriff's Office, Barry County Sheriff's Office and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.