June Calls Stats Released
Traffic | June 2012 |
DWI | 0 |
DWR/DWS | 7 |
Speeding | 94 |
Fail to Register | 19 |
Lane Violation | 9 |
Fail to Stop | 2 |
No Insurance | 6 |
Other HMV | 7 |
Other Non-HMV | 28 |
No Seatbelt | 6 |
Total # Stops | 141 |
Total # Citations | 34 |
Total # Warnings | 124 |
Calls for Service | June 2012 |
Stealing | 24 |
Burglary | 18 |
Property Damage | 19 |
Assault | 9 |
Domestic | 5 |
Disturbance | 43 |
Narcotics | 9 |
Harassment | 8 |
Alarm | 18 |
Fire (10-70) | 16 |
MVA (10-50) | 20 |
Trespass | 7 |
Civil | 29 |
Officer Assist | 62 |
Death (J-4) | 3 |
Motorist Assitst (10-46) | 22 |
911 Hang-up | 1 |
Check Well Being | 30 |
Animal | 29 |
Miscellaneous | 214 |
Total # Calls | 554 |
Traffic Stops | 141 |
Total # Calls / OIC | 1011 |
Total # Arrests | 21 |
Extra Patrols | 11 |