Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Cracking Down on Drunk Drivers
With prom and graduation season here, Missouri law enforcement want to make sure Missouri youth are celebrating safe and sober. The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office will join other Missouri law enforcement agencies to crack down on drunk driving May 3-12, 2012.
It is illegal for someone under 21 to possess or consume alcohol in Missouri, yet youth make up a significant proportion of drunk drivers causing traffic crashes on Missouri roadways. Missouri has a Zero Tolerance Law. If you are under 21, your license will be suspended if you're caught driving with even a trace of alcohol in your system.
Consequences of drunk driving include jail time, loss of their driver licenses, or being sentenced to use ignition interlocks. Insurance rates go up. Other financial hits include attorney fees, court costs, lost time at work, and the potential loss of job or job prospects. When family, friends and co-workers find out, violators can also face tremendous personal embarrassment and humiliation.
"Driving drunk is simply not worth all the consequences," stated Sheriff Brad DeLay. "Zero tolerance means zero chances: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over."
In 2011 in Missouri, 220 people were killed and 916 seriously injured in crashes involving an impaired driver. For more information, please visit