Meth Investigator Postion Saved for Six Months
Sheriff Brad DeLay is announcing that the Meth Investigator position that was lost January 1, 2012 has been saved, at least temporarily. The position that had been funded by a Federal/State grant was not funded because of budget cuts. This caused the position to be removed from the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff DeLay, working with the Department of Public Safety and the COMET Drug Task Force has secured funding until June 30, 2012.
This funding will not be a 100 percent grant but rather a 75 percent grant which means that the Sheriff's Office will still have to come up with the grant match. These funds are expected to come from the Sheriff's Office budget which will mean reallocated funds that may have been used in other areas.
Sheriff DeLay believes this position is extremely important to the fight against drugs in Lawrence County and those changes can be handled. Sheriff DeLay is aggressively seeking funding to continue the position after those funds expire.