Vote Yes on Amendment 6
Citizens of Lawrence County and of Missouri,
Election time is almost upon us and there are numerous initiatives, amendments and candidates that must be voted upon.
One of those amendments you will see on the November ballot is Amendment 6.
What is Amendment 6?
Ballot language: Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to provide that the administration of justice shall include the levying of costs and fees to support salaries and benefits for certain current and former law enforcement personnel?
Voting "yes" on Amendment 6 supports the resumption of a $3 court fee that was established in state statue in 1983 for the creation of the Missouri Sheriffs' Retirement System. This is NOT a new tax or levy. It is simply a court fee for those who are found guilty of a crime in the state of Missouri.
In 2015, a lawsuit was brought against the retirement system stating the $3 court fee was unconstitutional. The lawyer was able to establish a class action lawsuit in the process. We lost the case in the lower court but won the appeal. The plaintiffs appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court, and we lost. The opinion stated that the retired sheriffs had nothing to do with the administration of justice, and therefore the fee was unconstitutional.
After the loss, we asked the legislature to let the people define the administration of justice as salary and benefits for sheriffs, prosecutors, and retired sheriffs and prosecutors. If they agree, we will be able to again collect the $3 that has been in state statute since 1983 and has fully funded our retirement system.
There are many sheriffs in this state who dedicated their lives and careers to the Office of Sheriff. If this amendment does not pass, they will lose their current retirement. And for most, this is the only source of income that they, their spouses and widows or widowers have.
Imagine, after serving the people who elected you for countless years, suddenly being told that what you did doesn't matter anymore. Quite frankly, it's shameful.
The office of Sheriff is one of the most important offices in county government. Thomas Jefferson said that it was in fact the most important office in all county government because of the role that the Sheriff plays in protecting its citizens.
The passage of this amendment will help keep it that way for future Sheriffs. The fee is only collected if a person is found guilty and judges will still be allowed to waive court fees if they find that it is a hardship on the person.
If you would like to learn more about Amendment 6, you can go to
In conclusion, I ask for your YES vote on Amendment 6. Help secure the future of the Office of Sheriff and protect those who have have honorably served us in the past.
Sheriff Brad A. DeLay